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Belford Community Group is a registered charity formed to support and promote the community.

Belford Community Shop, Gym, Gardens and Woodland, Markets and Hidden History Museum are all part of the Group.

When Barclays Bank closed, a spirited local campaign saw the building being gifted to the village; this was then sold which enabled a shop on the High Street to be purchased.

Belford Community Shop, thought by customers to be “the best charity shop in the North”, raises large amounts of money pay overheads for all the different group entities; remaining funds are granted to local organisations to support their work. Some of the beneficiaries have been Bell View Resource Centre, St. Mary’s Church, The Ferguson Hall, Belford Play Park, Belford Players the Red Squirrel Group, and many more.

Notice boards and pamphlet racks within the shop advertise what Belford has to offer. The shop is a High Street presence for all aspects of Belford community. There are no paid members of staff, everything is run by volunteers; without their efforts nothing would be possible. Volunteering in Belford is enjoyed by many as it is sociable, rewarding and a great way of meeting people and putting something back into the community.

Belford Community Group continues to support local community projects intending to allocate the largest proportion possible of its income after expenses

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