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Many of you have asked for more notice about the Belford Community Cinema film nights, so for those who do plan in advance here is our programme from November through to June 2024. (Attached 8 PDF posters, one for each film night).Please note that publicising our events so far in advance is bound to tempt fate. So please do look out for posters in shops, parish magazine, whats ons, and facebook posts etc nearer the time as things beyond my control may result in last minute changes to the advertised programmes.

ALSO - You’ll probably notice that I’ve changed the day of the week on which we screen the films as many of you said Wednesdays weren’t a good night due to other commitments. So now we’re going to be mostly on Tuesdays, although there are a couple of Wednesday and Thursdays in there just to confuse you! I’m happy to change days of the week so long as Bell View and our speakers are available on those nights. So please let me know if you have any day of the week preferences. HOWEVER it will definitely not be possible to please everyone, so bear with!

Our forthcoming film nights are as follows:

Letters From Baghdad: Adventurer, Spy, Archeologist and Diplomat, the Remarkable Life of Gertrude Bell - Weds 15th November (with speaker from the University of Newcastle)
Nature Matters: From the Yorkshire and North East Film Archives - Tuesday 12th December (with speaker from NEFA)
The Elephant Will Never Forget: Four Films by John Krish - Tuesday 9th January
The Last Fishermen: The End of the Line for an Ancient Maritime Tradition with historian and poet Katrina Porteus - Tuesday 13th February (with speaker)
Social Cinema: Four films from the North East Film Archives and Cinema for All - Tuesday 12th March (with speaker from Cinema for All)
The Freedom Machine: How Women found Independence Through Cycling - Tuesday 15th April (with speaker from Glasgow Film Festival)
Talking About Trees (acclaimed award winning documentary from the Sudan) - Thursday 23rd May
Local Shorts: A programme of Films by North Northumberland Filmmakers - Tuesday 18th June (with local filmmakers)

Claire Wilford